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Apply for Echidna Global Fellowship 2023




Echidna Global Scholars conduct individual research focused on improving learning opportunities and life outcomes for girls, young women, and gender non-conforming people, develop their leadership and evidence-based policy skills, build substantive knowledge on gender and global education issues, and expand their pathways for impact. Upon completion of the fellowship, scholars transition to the Echidna Alumni Network, a growing community of practice aimed at promoting their significant, sustained, and collective influence on gender-transformative education globally and locally.

The Echidna Global Scholars Program has gone through ten Cohorts of Fellows from 20 different countries. Echidna supports an alumni network of 33 scholars this fellowship is for individuals who are interested in gender equality through education for young girls, women, and gender non-conforming people. To help develop their leadership, policy skills and to solve global and gender problems.



  • Mid-career leaders with experience in education, development, and public policy.
  • A 10-year experience in a NGO, community, academia, or civil society.
  • A master’s degree is required.
  • High proficiency in the use of English.
  • Substantial experience in, ties to, and a clear intent to return to a country in the Global South.



  • A CV  and cover letter
  • In addition to a cover letter and CV, all applicants answer a questionnaire and submit a 3-5 page proposal for a uniquely developed research project designed to increase the evidence base and improve learning opportunities and life outcomes for girls, young women, and gender non-conforming people in their countries.



This fellowship is mainly in three stages,

  • Pre-residency; Scholars are introduced to the leadership concepts and tools that will be the focus of the leadership development program throughout the fellowship and begin developing their impact strategy—identifying and engaging with local stakeholders from their home country.
  • Residency; This residency phase is designed to help scholars strengthen their impact by teaching best practices for analyzing, communicating, and leveraging research for policy and key audiences, as well as expanding scholars’ networks and promoting visibility through Brookings convenings and strategic collaborations—culminating in the girls’ education research and policy symposium.
  • Post residency;  During the two-year post-residency period, the CUE team provides targeted support to alumni as they implement impact plans that build off their research.



A stipend of $25,000. This will cover housing, travel, health and visa expenses.



December 1, 2022.


Apply here


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